The Han dynasty began with the fall of a great city; Two generals strove to be the conqueror, One threw up walls around it, but the mightiest Could break them down to claim his throne.
Just as the general in this story became an Emperor, this predicts that you will rise to a high position, solong as you seize the opportunities given to you and strike while the iron is hot. In particular, this is avery good fortune for anything to do with business affairs, although it is possible you will havedifficulties with a particularly tenacious rival. It is also a fortunate moment for you to commit yourself to any kind of relationship, and existing relationships will grow stronger.
The symbol of the fall of a great city means that, in what you are about to do, you must think big. Theodds may seem stacked against you, but in reality the time is right. Yes, you will meet opposition but thisshould not deter you. In particular, if those who oppose you are guilty of oppression or abuse of power,then the need to overcome them is greater.