Disease afflicts all folk alike, No matter how upright their conduct. Even a faithful student of Confucius Became a leper and died alone
Although your personal conduct is good, troubles may lie ahead. Your personal reputation is in jeopardy, and you should be aware that others may be spreading rumors about you. Unless you are careful and restrained, you may be faced with many creditors and lawsuits. This is not a good time to start new projects; instead, you should try to defend what you already have.
The story of the Confucian student who died sick and alone is well known in China. Sickness was oftenseen as a judgment meted out by the deities to those who had done wrong. But what 'wrong' had the student of Confucius done? This is rather like the Book of Job in the Bible which asks 'Why?' to the issue of sickness and disaster. Ultimately this poem reminds us that wealth, power, and fame are meaningless to disease. In the end, we are all but human and weak.