Far off the raven falls and the rabbit rises, So things have been since the start of time. Believe in Buddha and the Tao and you will find wisdom, Whether you are scholar or peasant, worker or merchant.
The setting and rising of the sun (the raven) and the moon (the rabbit) symbolizes the ups and downs of human life. Harmony between the two is a sign of good fortune, and you should seek a similar harmony in your own life. If you manage this, everything will be secure and successful. Attempt to remain calm and look to understand your enemies rather than opposing them directly. If you have any firm plans for the future, you should start putting them into effect now. Maybe now is a good time to think about moving.
Yin and yang are at the heart of this poem. The raven, symbol of the sun, is yang. The rabbit, symbol of the moon, is yin. Buddha, busy teaching and organizing, is yang. The Tao, calm and just being, is yin. You too are both yin and yang: you need the energy of the yang to be balanced by the yin of calmness. Look to yourself if the balance is not quite right, learn to cultivate it in order that you can achieve essential harmony.