The mother sparrow builds with clay against a storm, The traveler struggles against the driving rain, Her fledglings huddle inside the nest, But the clay melts and falls-all efforts futile
Your current precautions against disaster are unlikely to be of any use. Rather than wearing yourself out trying to defend against all possible calamities, concentrate on the good aspects of your life. With care and consideration you can build these up, so that when bad times do come you are easily able to weather them. Paying attention to your finances is wise, as is cautious investment in long-term projects. This is a good time to travel and meet new people, but do not commit yourself to somebody personally unless you are very sure you can trust them.
All the imagery here is of struggle, anxiety, and difficulties. In the midst of this, do not give up. Continueto plan, to build, to try to journey on, even if all collapses or seems to do so. The mother's love never ceases, nor can the traveler act as if he or she is not traveling. It is difficult, but not beyond hope. Keepgoing, and eventually all will be better.