Competing fiercely to become spring's queen, The garden flowers blossom to their full beauty. Who will win the golden crown of glory? Among them all, only the peony stands out.
Your attempts to gain wealth and fame are likely to be successful, and your personal relationships will turn out well. You need only search to find many opportunities for advancement. Do not hesitate to put your plans into operation, and it is a good idea to commit yourself more strongly to your current relationships. With care, you can remain both physically and mentally fit.
The peony is the beloved flower of Chinese poets and artists, for it has a strong sexual overtone, being(in its elongated bud stage) the example par excellence of the male member and the yang principle. But its multitude of opening petals is the symbol of the female, of sex, and of the yin principle. Thus it combines the yin and yang symbolism. It is saying: be complete, both yin and yang, and you will be able to progress. Do not rely on just one aspect of your personality, nor should you be too modest. In Chineseslang, a peony is a stunningly beautiful and sexy young woman. Do not hide your light under a bushel! If you have skills and attributes, use them, show them to others, and they will appreciate you and help you to advance.