The meek will overcome the violent; The kind-hearted will receive infinite rewards. Their deeds of kindness bestow to such great merit, That heavenly ambrosia will quench their thirst.
Your best chance to gain the favor of fortune is to be kind and tender towards others. If you perform good deeds, your reputation will improve, and others will be more likely to aid you. Autumn will be your most prosperous season, although you will remain peaceful and safe throughout the year. You should be the victor in any outstanding disputes, because you are most likely in the right.
The Tao Te Ching stresses how water wears away huge rocks, and the weak wear down the strong. The Taoist way is not to confront but simply to be, to flow round and under obstacles rather than try to overwhelm them. Be natural. Be considerate. Be thoughtful. Hurdles will fall, melt away, or after awhile, will cease to be important.