For the sake of one child, the ruler's command Was the death of all children in his own city. But the orphan was hidden in a far-off state, And, when a man, earned revenge for his father.
This is a risky time, and you should avoid overreaching yourself. Do not get embroiled in conflicts with others, and try not to strive for wealth and fame, lest you encounter disaster along the way. You may have a tricky time in your personal life, but patience and tolerance will let you win through.
Stories of special children being hunted at birth are to be found worldwide-the baby Krishna and Child Jesus are just two examples. The moral here is that rash, fearful, or vengeful actions will rebound. Trying to destroy what you fear may well lead to that fear returning a hundred times worse. In Greek legend, the basis of the tragic notion was the attempt to kill children destined to overthrow you.