Reflections in rippling water, Are constantly shifting, never the same. In fate, though, everything is set, And no advice can help the outcome.
Like a reflection in water, your safety is not certain. You should take precautions against possible dangers, and not embark on any risky endeavors. In doing business, you will probably meet with many obstructions, and it is not a good time to put new plans into effect. Generally, things are likely to turn against you unless you keep tight control. On the positive side, you should recover from illness easily, and people missing from your life are likely to return soon.
Chinese notions of fate and fortune set a clear line between that which is fixed and that which is changeable. Certain aspects of fate, like your date of birth or the kind of family you are born into, are fixed. The rest is up to you. However, if there is some aspect of yourself that makes you behave in away you dislike, it is up to you to change. Otherwise you will 'fate' yourself to be like that for the rest of your life. Fate can keep you trapped. Your choice to change can set you free.