The Chief Minister was the wisest of all men. Loved by good people; feared by the unjust. He promoted honesty throughout the land And advised the people to attend to their farms.
Try to attend to your own home rather than putting all your energy into work, and do not crave for more money and status than you already have. It is a good idea to settle any outstanding disputes; otherwise they will likely be resolved against you. You are likely to remain in good health for a long time, and someone long absent from you may soon return.
Good ministers and honest judges were highly honored in ancient China, and after death, they were often made judges in the afterlife. To be given good advice by such a person was to be given the wisdom of Heaven. And the usual advice, as in the Tao Te Ching, was to be content with what you have. Stop trying to find greener pastures. Live at ease with who and what you are.